StandardsWELL registered projects reaches 1,000 mark – offering proof of global demand for healthy buildings

New projects in all corners of the globe reflect significant momentum for WELL buildings, interiors and communities that help people thrive
Content Team6 years ago4 min

The WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) has marked a significant milestone, crossing the 1,000 mark for WELL registered projects.

Having crossed this milestone in late September, WELL’s momentum has continued as its registered projects count today stands at 1,025. This includes the addition of the first registered project on the African continent, as well as the addition of Indonesia as one of the now 37 countries where WELL is being used.

“The growth of WELL tells a powerful success story of positive global engagement and speaks to the universal need to support and advance human health every way we can, including through the buildings and spaces we inhabit every day,” said Rick Fedrizzi, Chairman and CEO of the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™), which develops and delivers the popular rating system.

WELL’s momentum has continued – registered projects now stand at 1,025

Mr Fedrizzi added, “What we’re experiencing through this second wave of sustainability is the demand for buildings and communities that sit at the heart of what this global movement is all about – people. Because ‘proven performance’ is the unique hallmark of WELL, leadership companies and organisations around the world are making it their certification of choice. After all, when it comes to human health why just assume you’ll get the performance you intend when you can validate it for all the world to see?”

Launched in October 2014 after six years of research and development, WELL has become the premier global standard for buildings, interior spaces and communities seeking to implement, validate and measure features that support and advance human health and wellness.

Today more than 3,500 people have successfully earned their WELL AP™ (Accredited Professional) credential, with nearly 2,300 more registered as part of the growing pool of individuals looking to develop and demonstrate their understanding of building strategies that put people at the centre of decision making about the places we all live, work, learn and play.

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