More data is needed on indoor air quality in workplaces and indoor spaces as it remains one of the greatest concerns relating to Covid-19, according to a new survey.
Commissioned by Vaisala, a world-leading measurement technology company, the study asked 4,000 respondents from around the world about their concerns about indoor air during the COVID-19 pandemic. It found that more than one third of the respondents were concerned about the indoor air quality in their place of work, with 50% saying they would feel safer with more information about indoor air quality.
Out of all the respondents, workers in Finland were the most confident about going back to work with 71% of people feeling safe about returning to the workplace, whilst only 55% of employees in Germany felt happy to do so.
More than half of respondents said that concerns with indoor air quality impacts their motivation to visit public spaces – 60% would like more information on indoor air quality in public spaces – whilst around two thirds of respondents also said that these concerns impact their motivation to travel.
50% of respondents would feel safer about going back to work with more data on indoor air quality.
“Vaccination rates are high in the surveyed countries, but the survey revealed high levels of concern with air quality in indoor spaces, commented Anu Kätkä from Vaisala’s product management. “We believe this is because, intuitively, people understand that infection risk is higher in indoor spaces where people are in close proximity with each other, and where ventilation is insufficient.
“When people spend too long in a poorly ventilated space, their exhaled breath causes carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to rise. Higher levels of CO2 impact people’s well-being, health and performance, but importantly, monitoring CO2 levels can highlight when the risk of COVID-19 transmission is high and better ventilation is required. By monitoring CO2 levels in indoor spaces, organizations can therefore provide the reassurance that the survey respondents need. “In recent years, many countries have implemented regulations concerning the monitoring of indoor air quality parameters such as CO2. These regulations are designed to ensure optimal air quality, but in order to achieve this goal, accurate and science-based data is essential.”
More content on workplace indoor air quality.
The Vaisala survey was conducted between June 21 and July 11 2021 together with the market research company Norstat in Finland, France, Germany, and the United States. The survey gathered approximately 1,000 respondents in each country, and the respondents included both men and women aged between 18 and 65.

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