ResearchTechnologyOffice App data: ‘Fundamental changes’ revealed in workplace usage since pre pandemic

Tenant experience technology provider, Office App publishes revealing data on workplace usage trends from its global workspace operating platform.
Content Team4 years ago5 min

Office App, a tenant experience technology provider operating in 26 countries, has published findings of data that compare usage of the platform by over 1,700 people, from Q1 2020 to Q2 2021. The data reveals ‘fundamental changes in the way people are now interacting with workspace, versus pre-pandemic usage’.

With many companies implementing hybrid working and people spending less time in the office, the overall number of users booking meeting spaces on Office App’s platform each week has decreased. In Q1 2020, an average of 256 people from the sample group booked space through the platform each week. An average of 183 users are booking space on the platform each week thus far in Q2 2021.

However, says Office App, whilst people may be coming into the office less, they are much more focused on collaboration and co-creation when they do. In Q1 2020, individual users from the sample group booked an average of 2 meeting spaces each week. However, to date in Q2 2021, this figure has risen by 75%, to an average of 3.5 meeting space bookings made per user each week.

In-person team meetings on Mondays have also decreased, with space bookings on Mondays dropping (-13%) from an average of 1,720 bookings made across the sample group in Q1 2020, to 1,500 to date in Q2 2021. However, mid-week meetings appear to be on the rise. Space bookings on Tuesdays have increased (+12%) from an average of 1,564 in Q1 2020, to 1,750 in Q2 2021. On Thursdays, space bookings have also increased (+11%) from 1,642 to 1,820 bookings made.

Office App Dashboard

Value of data

Commenting on the data, Thijs van der Burgt, CEO and Co-Founder of Office App said:

“As office usage evolves, the value of data has never been more important,” says Thijs van der Burgt, CEO and Co-Founder of Office App. “Throughout the pandemic our data analytics have provided landlords with critical insights into the way that users are interacting with their spaces, helping inform smarter decision making.”

“When looking at the latest data, we were able to see some interesting general trends about the way office usage has changed over the last 12 months. What’s clear from the rise in the number of bookings made per user is that people really value the office as a place to collaborate and co-create, with office usage centred around group work. Generally speaking, people seem to want that physical, human-based interaction at the centre of their week too, with more individual, non-office based work at the start and end of the working week.”

Founded in 2014, OfficeApp is the market’s most advanced engagement platform for professionals in offices. The firm’s tenant experience app is revolutionising the way that office environments are utilised, improved, experienced and built around the world.

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Office App CEO Thijs van der Burgt

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