EventsCall for papers: BRE’s Wellness & biophilia symposium

Using Nature-Inspired Design to Foster Workplace Wellness
Content Team6 years ago4 min

How can nature-inspired design foster office occupant wellness? What are the key interventions that can capitalise on the return on investment in an office refurbishment? 

These are just some of the big questions that will be addressed at the launch event of BRE’s Biophilic Office – a world-leading research project to gather the evidence for the impacts on people and business of nature-inspired design and technology.

Organiser BRE has issued a ‘call for papers’ – and says it is “…interested in hearing from anyone working in biophilic design/health and wellbeing generally & related issues”.

For those interested in attendance (6/7th of June 2019), the outline agenda already looks promising; participants will hear from an array of international speakers on biophilic design and the latest research in an immersive and interactive two-day event based around the project, and site tours to ‘biophilic’ themed satellite projects and showcases in the nearby Greater London conurbation.

Over the two days participants will benefit from:

  • A networking experience with like-minded health & wellbeing experts, building system and technology experts, real estate and HR professionals from around the world.
  • Experience at first hand the Biophilic Office, a major international collaboration creating an inspiring office space at BRE.
  • Conference sessions, workshop and demonstrations of biophilic and wellness related innovations, products and services.

To submit a paper, email the team at [email protected].

Book now – 20% discount until the 31st of January!

Enjoyed this article? Find out more about biophilia here

Work in Mind is an official Dissemination Partner for BRE’s research project The Biophilic Office.

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