The British Council for Offices (BCO) has launched a competition for its ‘NextGen’ members, who will be asked to design an office fit for 2025. Entrants will be asked to consider key global issues, from the pandemic, tackling the impending climate crisis, to ongoing issues around equality and inclusivity.
The competition, now in its second iteration, is particularly timely given the huge change to our working habits caused by Covid-19.
Entrants must be BCO ‘NextGen’ members. NextGen members are under the age of 35 and enjoy discounted membership, with students able to join for free. NextGen members are also able to enter the BCO’s NextGen awards and can enroll in an industry-leading mentorship programme.
Applications are welcome to enter the competition individually or as a multidisciplinary team of up to three participants and will need to submit a 500 words summarizing the idea, one main image featuring vision of the post pandemic workplace, one support image with up to 5 diagrams, charts and images explaining the idea and submitter information.
Responding to big issues
Entrants are free to choose their own theme related to the current global state, or one of the below:
- Redefining the purpose of the physical office space: Why work in the office when you can work anywhere?
- Shifting work patterns: The rise of working remotely and more flexibly with teams connected via technology.
- Increased localism: The potential for suburban hubs with blended uses, to support traditional city office locations.
- Reduced densities of office buildings: Opportunities for alternative uses or sustainable re-use to drive greater utilization and value.
- Designing Inclusively: Intergenerational working, mentorship and work experience opportunities.
- Increased data tracking, gathering and analysis to ensure the office is safe environment to visit.
- Focus on hygienic and healthy buildings and the role of new technologies to accelerate this.
Beat the deadline
The deadline for entry to the competition is Thursday 29 October, 5.00 pm and the shortlist will be revealed on Monday 16 November.
For full details of the competition, including team and submission requirements and the detailed brief, and to learn more about becoming a NextGen member, please visit the BCO website.
For more content on how to help make offices fit for 2025, click here.
The British Council for Offices (BCO) is the UK’s leading member organisation representing the interests of all those who occupy, design, build, own or manage offices in the UK. This year marks 30 years of the BCO providing thought leadership and best practice in all issues related to the creation and use of office space – through its research, awards, conference and events programmes. You can learn more about the BCO at

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