EventsHealthy City Design 2019: Final call for papers – workplace experts invited to submit abstracts

Healthy City Design conference invites papers that explore ways to create thriving work environments and wellness programmes
Content Team6 years ago3 min

Organisers of the 3rd Healthy City Design 2019 International Congress have issued their final reminder to the workplace sector to respond to a call for papers by May 29th 2019.

The event takes place in October this year under the theme of: Designing for Utopia or Dystopia? People and Planetary Health at a Crossroads.

Healthy City Design International, which is in its third year, attracts some of the world’s leading researchers, practitioners and policy thinkers engaged in the design of healthy and sustainable cities and communities, to explore topics in the fields of: urban design, placemaking and the public realm; homes and neighbourhoods; mobility and transport; work and workplace; and smart cities. Organisers, Salus Global Knowledge Exchange and the Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art, say that the event is shaping the wellness and sustainable development agenda right across the built environment sector:

“The future of the workplace is changing: understanding the importance of mental health as well as physical health and its links to employee wellbeing, growth, development and productivity is essential in the context of city design.

“The 3rd Healthy City Design 2019 International Congress invites abstracts that explore how the changing world of work and workplace design is interfacing with the city and neighbourhood around it, as competition for a more health and environment-conscious, experience-seeking pool of global talent increases,” says event organiser Marc Sansom, Managing Director of SALUS Global Knowledge Exchange.

Abstracts must be submitted by 29 May.

Visit the web site at and view the Work and Workplace stream in the Call for Papers at

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